presentations & WOrkshops
Leadership Coaching & Consulting
Presentations – These are roughly one-hour presentations designed to do quick
sill building.
Workshops – These are half-day to full-day engagements designed to dig into deep detail on the designated topic.
Please contact us directly to inquire about or schedule a presentation or workshop.
For each topic, there is a Presentation and Workshop option available.
Building Strategic Plans that Generate Actions and Results Instead of Gathering Dust
Presentation: This presentation will help attendees work to understand the components and processes for creating a strategic plan that connects to actions and creates results.
Workshop: In this
Constructing Logic Models and Evaluative Metrics that Inspire Teams and Stakeholders
Presentation: This presentation is designed to help attendees understand the structure and purpose of logic models and how to use them to enroll funders, partners and other stakeholders.
Workshop: Attendees in this hands-on workshop will create real-time logic models and basic evaluative metrics for your organization.
Creating a “Sustainability Map” for your Nonprofit Organization that Points the Way to Excellence
Presentation: This presentation focuses on understanding the components of nonprofit sustainability and how they work together to support long-term excellent performance.
Workshop: Workshop attendees will use tools and templates to map a sustainable future for your organization, its programs, and its staff.
Navigating the “Obstacle Course” of Organizational Conflict and Utilize it to Create a Healthy Culture
Presentation: The goal of this presentation is to understand the origins of organizational conflict and how to transform toxic interactions into learning and growth.
Workshop: In a highly interactive environment, workshop attendees will learn and practice conflict utilization skills and strategies.
Getting on the Same Page about Selecting the Best Innovative Ideas and Putting them into Action
Presentation: This presentation targets how to take innovative ideas from conception to implementation by connecting to key team-member motivations.
Workshop: Using models and tools, workshop attendees will build effective action-plans and unify their teams around adopting innovations.
Leadership “in a Box”
Leadership in a box is a highly-interactive, one-day workshop for leadership teams, managers, and staff, that provides the essential tools and understandings needed to increase effective leadership, build teams, resolve conflicts, support innovation, and evoke excellence individually and as a group. The training includes working with, and practicing skills in:
- Motivation: Understanding, and working with, the three key motivators that drive success.
- Leadership: Getting real about your strengths and blind spots as a leader and how to identify, and use, your leadership style to bring out the best in your team and yourself.
- Accountability: Gaining agreements, creating accountability, balancing tasks and culture, and effectively delegating to build strengths and get things done.
- Conflict: Utilizing tools and strategies to transform toxic organizational conflicts into learning, growth, while creating high-functioning interactions and cultures.
- Innovation: Learning, and utilizing, tools, and a common vocabulary, to identify opportunities, obstacles, and actions that take the best new ideas from inception to implementation.