

Nita & Lindsay

Nita and Lindsay Hill bring a wealth of practical experience and theoretical skill to their work with clients, having worked with dozens of nonprofits and mission-focused organizations for over a decade.

The Hill2 philosophy is to always put clients first, and to offer flexible, affordable and customized services that meet client goals and achieve tangible results. All of our services, from coaching to strategic planning, to facilitation and training, have the goal of building client capacity to follow-through and create significant results after our engagement is completed. We not only offer planning services, we also have assisted clients in implementing strategies and plans. With our extensive business experience (both for-profit and nonprofit), we are able to work across organizations to make sure that plans and processes are practical, feasible, and doable.

We work diligently to teach and skill-build while we assist organizations in strategizing and creating concise, well designed, business and service approaches that support organizational sustainability while also delivering strong impacts. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your organization’s needs and goals, and there’s never a charge for an initial consultation.

Lindsay Hill

Leadership Coach and Organizational Consultant

Lindsay Hill has served a broad range of clients with special expertise in Leadership Coaching, Strategic Planning, Succession Planning, Logic-Modeling and Project Management. With a strong business background, having served as a Chief Operating Officer in the financial services industry, Lindsay brings a combination of for-profit and nonprofit expertise and management skills to his engagements with clients. He serves as Hill2’s principal coach and organizational consultant.

Nita Hill

Research and Training

Nita Hill has extensive experience in utilizing motivational and values systems in generating practical solutions and solving real-world problems. Her work has benefited dozens of mission-focused organizations as they navigate cultural change, communications issues and opportunities, strategic planning, and professional skill-building. In addition, Nita’s experience as a business owner and teacher, have equipped her to serve as Hill2’s principal researcher and co-trainer.